We offer product in continuous evolution, adapted to the needs of the market, doing so from our everyday positions in commercial and art cinemas, festivals, independent distributors and small producers. Always keeping an eye on the moves of the bigger players.
We speak your language, we comprehend the challenges, we are the alternative.
DCP creation
DCP remastering
Internet transfers
Technical support for projection at festivals and events
FID - Festival international du documentaire de Marseille
FIFE Paris - Festival international du film d'environnement
RVCQ - Les Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois
Festival International du Film de La Roche-sur-Yon
REGARD Festival International du Court Métrage au Saguenay
FIFDH Le Festival du film et forum international sur les droits humains
Festival de Granada Cines del Sur
MÖ Films
Tortuga Films